Your Co-Managed IT Partners
We work with your IT staff to help with the heavy lifting.
Co-Managed IT Supports Your Current IT Staff
Let’s face it. Keeping up to date and managing all the IT technology for your business can be too much for one person. From managing the IT network, staying current on the latest trends & regulations, VOIP, cloud computing, cyber security, software licenses, hardware purchases/replacements and more, there’s an endless “to-do” list.
That’s where the co-managed IT model can help. It’s a flexible approach where our job is to support your IT staff and help them manage it all.
Working with your IT staff can help maximize everyone’s efforts so that your IT is always running efficiently. Our team can work with your staff to decide what aspects to keep in house and what elements to outsource.
Customize Your IT Services
With the Co-managed IT model, we can help you look at your IT department’s needs, abilities, resources and tools to see where our staff can fill in any gaps.
We can assist in determining which IT services or resources are needed to meet the companies’ goals. We can also help you decide where third-party organizations can supplement any other needs.
When The Co-Managed IT Model Is Most Useful
Adopting this approach can look different between verticals, but we find that working with a co-managed approach works best for the following situations:
With 60+ Computers
When a company has 60 or more computers, they usually have their own IT staff, but far too often, this person (or team) is wearing too many hats and can get easily overrun with all there is to manage around IT.
Our staff can be extremely helpful by providing support to your IT staff when they become stretched too thin.
New Projects
When your IT staff is taking on a big project like a new implementation or other task, it can be helpful to have more hands to help. Co-managed IT staff works alongside you to help things go smoothly.
Fill In Knowledge Gaps
As much as your IT staff works to stay current, there are still aspects of IT where there needs to be more experience. That’s where our staff can help. We bring a different set of experience and knowledge to help move your IT forward in the right direction. Let our staff enhance what your team does.
Co-Managed IT: A Hybrid Model
For years, there has been a common misconception that IT systems need to be managed either internally or outsourced. This is where the co-managed IT model provides a third, incredibly useful, option to give your business the best of both worlds.
Leverage our staff to allow your business to have both a proactive and reactive approach to IT management for maximum efficiency.
Comprehensive IT solutions
With the co-managed IT model, your team has all the collaborative resources necessary to manage every aspect of your system. From consultation to decision support, we bring the benefit of working with hundreds of businesses in many different verticals to the table.
We maximize the efforts of your IT staff and give you exactly what you need when you need it.
Call Uplinked IT Services today and let’s talk about how our co-managed IT services can support your business mission.
We’re The Affordable Managed Service Provider
We specialize in working with companies that have 10-20 computers or more. This means we provide affordable pricing and outstanding customer service. When you consider how much time is poured down the drain with your staff trying to keep your system running, bringing on an outsourced IT provider just makes good sense.
The question isn’t “Can I afford a managed IT company?” The question is can you afford not to?